Tuesday 10 June 2008

All my photos...

I posted up some of the photos I took on the weekend. I know that they are low quality and are very few but that's because I am stealing the internet from the guy next door... And he doesn't know about it. It's slow and incredibly irritating so bare with the photos I have up at the moment as soon as I get my own internet in a few weeks I will post alot of high resolution photos up on flickr.

Kuga was always up to something different so it was a lot of fun watching him... Particularly when he would start squirting me in the back of the head with his water pistol. I forgot I took this photo but it's my favorite one of the day. I will muck around with it later and show you what I come up with.

I also have some photos that I took while I have been riding about Kitakami on my bike. I will be sure to get those up soon as well. When you go looking for something to do in Kitakami you can find some pretty interesting things. Anyway thats enough from me for the moment. I plan on making Mondays and Thursdays my permanent update days so check back then for a new post.

1 comment:

kezza9 said...

Sounds like a cute little boy,you must attract them