Monday 2 June 2008

My Road to Nowhere

Hi there everyone!

As of today it has been exactly two months since I left Australia on my big journey. So far it has been one intense and exciting experience. I have had to learn to not only live away from home for the first time ever, but to also do it in a totally unfamiliar country.

When I arrived I knew barely any of the language, and even less about the people. Sure I had heard people talking about Japan, and telling me what it was like, but until I actually set foot here it was hard to imagine. Two months on, I know a little more of the language then I did when I stepped on that big plane to leave my home for such a long time, and I’ve had no choice but to learn how the culture and the people operate in Japan.

From the moment I stepped onto that plane in Melbourne I had so many different experiences, and met so many different people that I don’t think I could possibly recall every one of them if I chose to try. There have been people that have helped me, have done nothing but the right thing by me and tired to do their best to see that my journey goes as well as it could be. And there are those who didn’t bother to stop when I asked the time.

Although only a short time I have seen amazing and unique things. Even the simple things like looking at the night sky from a part of the world, wondering if maybe, just maybe someone I know is also staring at that same sky makes my time here all that more incredible. The sense of being so far away from home, and knowing that I will not see that place for such a long time frightens me a little, but at the same time excites me so much that I often can’t contain it.

I made this website so I could share with everyone my thoughts and my experiences as I travel. I want people to see where I go, what I do, the people I meet and the share my experiences. The world is a big place. Much bigger than I ever thought before I left my little home of Ferntree Gully. And I want to see it all.

Getting on that plane two months ago I had read all the books. I had done countless hours of research. I thought I was prepared. I thought I knew a lot about the world. About its people. About life. Here is one thing that I learnt since leaving home on this adventure:

As of now, all that means absolutely… Nothing.


Little T said...

It will be great to see your adventures unfolding on the blog!

kezza9 said...

Hope your days are fun and adventurous

Anonymous said...

well done chooka hope you continue
your journey with us

foodpsycho said...

Awesome pics!! Looking forward to the next batch!
Post more, dammit! XD

kezza9 said...

post more dammit!