Wednesday 2 July 2008

You asked for them...

Well I'm just in the midst of uploading all my photos and updating the blog, but it's taking a lot longer then I had anticipated. I have over five hundred photos to sort through so it might take a little while. I started sifting through them yesterday but it takes ages.

These are the photos I took of my apartment on the 14th of June, the day we had the 7.2 Earthquake. It looks really messy, mostly because on that day my apartment was a mess, but I don't leave stuff lying on the ground, or draws open so you can tell what is from the earthquake, and what is me just being lazy.

So when I got to my apartment after the trains had been cancelled my fridge had fallen over and there was milk and eggs and shit all over the floor.I cleaned it up with out thinking to take a photo of it before hand which I was kinda pissed about but it really smelt at the time.

In my bathroom alot of stuff had fallen into the sink, into the bath or onto the floor. My neat stack of toilet rolls also took substantial casualties and were littered across the bathroom. And yes, for the mother, the Aunty and the other 'mother' that is pee in the toilet. I had forgotten to flush the toilet that morning... And had forgotten to clean it for about two and bit months.

My actual room was a mess too. My guitar case had fallen over, papers and bottles I had left out had moved around and draws had actually forced themselves open. The sliding doors which I had left unlatched that morning had come part way open as well. By the end of the day after the aftershocks those doors had opened completely.

And this poor guy took took a fall that day. This is just outside my apartment. I walk past this bike every day, and have no clue who it belongs too. Funnily enough even though Megan and myself walk past it everyday, and its her bike you can see in the corner, that bike is still in the same place it was... On the ground.

Alright, so back to it now. I'll have the rest of my photos up by this afternoon. Keep checking back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks great good on you .keep it up mate