Tuesday 9 September 2008

Around and about...

Well not much has happened since last time I posted. I've been going about my business as per usual, you know how it goes: Go to work, have a kid try and stick his fingers up your butt, tell the kid off in a language he doesn't understand and finally have that same kid try and stick his fingers up your butt again.

The weather has been really nice here lately, I think because it has started turning towards Autumn now. The days are still warm but not humid like they were in Summer and the nights are getting cold so at least I'm starting to get a decent night's sleep for the first time in a few months.

With the nice weather I thought I would take my camera out and grab a few shots of my favorite haunt. It's about five minutes away from my apartment and deadly quiet. I don't think I have ever seen another person there. I like to take my books out and study my Japanese there, it's pretty nice.

Maybe next time I will get around to taking some pictures of my actual apartment and the area just around here. I think that's the one thing people have been asking to see the most so I'll probably do that... Eventually. I also found a place where a really big eagle likes to hang out, so I'll try and get a decent shot of him too.


Anonymous said...

hi chooka,as usual i just love your stories and your photos are tops,you are doing a great job sharing them with us

Little T said...


Hey MIke, Mr Hirst says to say "Hi". I told him you and Brendan are in Japan. He is going to be principal next year!!

Anonymous said...

looks nice and peacefull.

Anonymous said...

next time one of the kids wants to play with your but you should play with the side of his head

runningneck said...

Nah you need to be subtle. I've found that punching through a phone book not only hurts but doesn't leave bruises.

Anonymous said...

thats my boy

Anonymous said...


big al said...

G'day Mike, just catching up with the blogs, Mt Fuji was an achievement!

Anonymous said...

its about time for some new stories mate