Wednesday 17 December 2008

The Best Laid Plans

I had fully intended to post this week, and in fact on Monday took a few hours out of my day to write up what I had been doing lately and explain my absence. It had photos and everything.

Then my computer decided to crash.

And now it's gone. So because I am heading to Tokyo to meet up with my family for Christmas I won't be able to post for a few weeks. Sorry!

I'll try my best to get something up while we are in Tokyo, but as for long rants, well they can wait until after the new year now. I have a few plans I want to begin after the new year rolls in so let's see how they go...


foodpsycho said...

You schemer you! Actually you should dedicate a whole entry to just photos of me. That would satisfy all my fans.

...I do have fans, right?

See you next Wednesday~

runningneck said...

Maybe I should do a post about how I nearly ruined Christmas for over 100 Children... Yeah.. That's my story...

You're like the Grinch! You sicken me...

foodpsycho said...

You just wait till Easter :D

Anonymous said...

haha. ur just jelous cause u weren't santa! :P
Say hi to ur fam for meeee!

*puts on santa voice*

foodpsycho said...

Gee Taz... pretending to be Santa... what kind of monster are you :P

runningneck said...

Yeah! You're not a jolly fat man... Unless there is something you've neglected to tell us...

foodpsycho said...

She's not jolly...

Anonymous said...

im totally jolly! u just cant comprehend how jolly i am!

i just ain no fat man! :P :P