Thursday 15 January 2009

Day 2

Well let me summarize the result of yesterday's work out session in one simple sentence:

"Jesus! Allah! Buddah! My Body Hurts!!"

After my first training session I came out of it feeling fatigued as I should have, but some what concerned that I wouldn't 'hurt' in the morning. Usually I've found that if I have some substantial aching in my muscles the day after I have done a good job and will start to see some progress.

If the pain I felt this morning when I first opened my eyes is any indication of my progress, I am on the right path.

Walking to school today each step I took burned my upper calves, especially having to climb the numerous stairs that plague Japan. My arms were stiff and my shoulders ached when I tried lifting them too high. As for my abs, the real point of my training... They were okay after the initial five minute struggle it took to sit up in my bed this morning, in which every muscle in my stomach seemed to scream "Lie the f**k back down!"

Tomorrow is my second training session in my planned routine of three different types per week. I'm rotating them in a patter of B - A - B - C and then A - B - A - C so my body doesn't get to used to what I am doing.

The meal plan is also working out alright, even if it has only been two days. I'm a lot fuller then I have been eating three large meals, and I think it has something to do with the foods I am consuming in this new diet. It is the healthiest diet I can remember ever following and even though I'm eating so much food it's actually coming to less calories then what I was consuming only two days ago. Interesting how tweaking the foods you eat can alter how much crap your body is receiving.

I'm actually really excited about getting to train again... I'm just hoping the three feet plus of snow out side has disappeared at least a little by tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Keep it up Mikey!! You look great!! You'll have to give me some tips on how to get fit....and don't take any notice of Taz the junk food queen. lol