Tuesday 13 January 2009

With These Hands

Hey there,

Well undoubtedly everybody has seen my photos. I'm sure most of you have see me in some of those photos, and said to yourselves "Hmmmm, something is different about that guy... What could it be?" Well now I urge you all to come closer so I can tell you a secret:

"I used to be fat!"

Plain and simple. In April of 2007 when I began my weight loss journey I weighed a whopping 120 kilograms. In April of 2008 when I left home and moved to Japan I weighed 100 kilograms. As of today, January 13, 2009 I weigh 80 kilograms. Not a bad effort if I do say so myself.

For the most part I've done it on my own. I didn't make a huge fuss out of it, I just set my goal, aimed high and went about it on my own. It paid off.

As of today I can no longer do that.

For my next stage I want you all to join me and be part of my transformation into the kind of man I've always wanted to become. This is a photo of me taken today:

Take good long look at it because it is the last time you will ever see me looking like that. I have given myself 90 days, that's three months, of no sweets, junk food or anything that may affect my goal. My goal of having a six-pack by my 22nd Birthday.

I am going to take a photo of myself every day for the next three months and post it on here so that you can watch my progress. On top of that I will post a blog everyday with my photo to let you know how I am feeling or any changes that I have noticed.

Living alone in a country where I don't speak the language I am counting on your support and strength to push me when it gets tough. I don't ask for it often, but I need your help.

So wish me luck, and keep watching as I change myself once again.

Oh and if your wondering where the new blog name came from, I took it from this quote:

"Don't ask for it; go take it with your own hands. Do that and you will always be rewarded."


Anonymous said...

ummmm WOW! You are looking really spunky Mikey. Keep it up.

P.S Damn you for making the rest of us look bad.

foodpsycho said...

I thought it was your haircut!! Man, I was way off...

This is a great kick in the balls for anyone who's ever doubted you. I wouldn't mind kicking them in the groin either. Repeatedly.

There's no doubt in my mind you'll achieve your goal, because you always have, always do, and always will. And I'll be checking back every day, like some crazed stalker, to witness the whole thing. *creepy breathing*

"You're the only pilot I respect."

Anonymous said...

its a big goal mate

Anonymous said...

c0ngratulations chooka well done.once yor mind is set we know you will get there.looking spunky looking good you will have to beat the girls off you with a stick.when you get home to oz.. love you heaps

runningneck said...

Yeah, it is a huge goal. But that's the reason I chose it. No point pussy footing around something that is meaningless.