Wednesday 28 January 2009

Day 15

It has come to my attention that there is a growing band of people rallying against me. People who have deemed the use of the my blue boxers in every photo as 'disgusting' and 'unclean'. You no who you are and now you are insisting that I change them. To you I ask this one simple question: "Why?"

The pope wears the same white clothes every day. How often does some one say to him, "Hmm I think your white clothes are a bit dull, how about this nice Hawaiian shirt today?"

Let's look at the Darlai Lama. Every time you've ever seen him what is he wearing? Oh! That's right. A red robe with that little yellow thing around his neck. No one is pushing at him to wear a green robe, or a blue robe, or a friggen hot pink robe!

What about Abraham Lincoln? Can you imagine him with out that beard? He would just be a face. I'm not American, or know nothing about American History but I think that beard helped. In fact I think that beard is what made his presidency... That and his hat. Now imagine if he had shaved it because some one said "Yeah... look... The beard isn't working... Maybe just keep a little bit of fluff under your bottom lip."
I warn you to never enter the White House, because he is there, and he will be pissed if you have thought that.

Bah! You should be ashamed, suggesting I change my blue boxers just because you don't like the colour, the pattern or the fact that by now the skid mark to cotton ratio has shifted somewhat and now favors the former. Just for you 'blue boxer haters' out there, you inhuman monsters full of hate and prejudice towards my underwear I'm going to wear them twice as hard as I was before.

You'll be sorry you ever judged my blue boxers. Stand up my brothers and sisters who have worn underwear more then one day in a row. Be proud of your underwear. Together let's end this oppression. With one voice lets shout "Forwards, Backwards, Inside Out!"

Ungrateful people. You should all consider yourselves lucky I'm even wearing underwear in this photos... Or unlucky depending on your point of view.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Day 14 - Two Weeks Down

Hey everyone,

Well I haven't posted everyday as I said I would or posted the photos. Slack I know, but with the mood I have been in they would have made very dull and uninteresting posts. On the plus side though I have been going the gym as planned and having been continuously eating healthy for two weeks now.

Broccoli, Cauliflower and Asparagus still taste of like shit too me, even after two weeks of forcing it town my throat. Fiber is fiber after all. I've taken to mashing it up and mixing it with Vegemite, something that I remember Mum doing often for my sister when she had to eat the same vegetables.

When I checked my weight on Sunday morning I was happy to see that I had gone down from 80 kilograms. Looks like my metabolism works faster then it used too and all the junk I ate over Christmas came off me pretty quick. My weight is now 76 kilograms, give or take at any given time. It seems to fluctuate every time I check.

I have also noticed some significant growth in muscles, especially in my legs and arms. Today after haphazardly looking in the mirror I couldn't help but notice my biceps seem to bulge out heaps more then they had two weeks ago. A good sign, and probably cause for my fluctuating weight as muscle weighs more then fat does. It would be good if I could work myself back up towards 80 kilograms but with muscle as opposed to body fat.

As for the six-pack. Well no sign of it yet, but give me a chance. Two weeks isn't very long when you look at the length of three months. My abdominal area is a lot stronger since I've started training and if I give it a firm knock I can definitely feel a lot of muscle just waiting to escape...

So in due time it will appear.

It will shine like polished armour,

It will dazzle you with its radiance,

It may even blind some of you... So beware!

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Day 7 - One Week Down

Well today marks a week since I decided to start training to tone up and have a six pack by my 22nd Birthday. I have developed a meal plan I am satisfied with but am still tweaking so that my body doesn't respond in a negative manner like it has for the past week.

It could be that I am having too much of something, or too little of something else and it is causing me run to the toilet every few hours. It may just be my body adjusting to having the healthiest food I've ever eaten pass through it. What ever the case I'm sure I will work it out.

Even though it has been just less then a week since I started training I've already begun to notice subtle changes to my body. From the weights sessions I have been undertaking on every second day my muscles have started looking leaner and more apparent, particularly my triceps and biceps. While training yesterday I noticed my biceps seemed much larger then they had a week and ago and was quite shocked to see such a change in under a week.

My stomach and abdominal area have become flatter and I can actually feel the muscles that I have been training when I move or do things which I can't recall ever having felt before. There is also a constant tenseness to them, like they are continuously clenched, which they feel like after I have just completed my abdominal training routine.

My legs which tend to take a severe beating when I run through my "A Routine" Weight Session are constantly fatigued. My calf muscles are becoming much more defined which is good to see, as the exercises to train them are killing me.

It's is still taking some time to get used to eating six meals a day. It is similar at times to eating food just for the sake of it, even when you are not hungry. This is to keep up my metabolism so I am burning calories from the moment I start eating beyond the time I go to sleep, which I most definitely need.

Where as up until now I have been trying to consume under 2000 Calories a day, I am now trying to consume 2400 calories in a single day. Having forced myself to eat under 2000 for over two years now it has become extremely difficult to eat more. However from my research I have learned that had I continued eating less I would have plateaued and not lost any more body fat. This is due to my body going into starvation mode because it lacked over 1000 calories it needed just to get through a day, and that was before exercise.

For example my RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is around 2900 - 3100. This means that if I sat on the couch... erm floor at this moment, I would still burn this many calories. However if was too eat a diet of 1600 calories as I have been for the last few months it would mean I am missing 1300 calories, and my metabolism will not burn any fat because my body is under the impression that I am starving to death. Now consuming 2400 calories at regular intervals during the day my body is only in a deficit of around 500, much healthier and my body doesn't go into meltdown because it is starving itself.

Like I mentioned earlier the entire process is pretty complex. It's like a science in a way. Every thing is measured and recorded, hell I am even taking protein supplemt in order to rebuild my muscles faster. I hope to hell I am going the right way about it, but I guess in three months we will tell. I made sure to get a photo every day since my last post, but just haven't had the chance to put them up yet. So here they are! I will still try, but with the amount of work I was doing last week it was nearly impossible to do before I got home.

Anyway, today is a rest day so I'm gonna go and rest by doing nothing until I go to work!

Friday 16 January 2009

Day 3

Today I tried out my 'B' Training Routine for the first time. It was good to be back in the gym and even though I am still aching from my first session on Wednesday I was able to work through it. I'm hoping that like yesterday I wake up with my muscles aching and have the same challenge sitting up in my bed tomorrow morning.

Today I got the Protein Powder I ordered last night on Amazon Japan. Pretty bloody quick if you ask me, less then 24 hours delivery. I also got a trilogy of books I have been wanting to read. I honestly wish I had tried to use it sooner instead of having to read all the 'classic' novels that the local book shop supplies.

Eating is becoming easier and I am getting used to the six meals a day thing, as well as the heap of fruit and vegetables I'm now eating, but I think it's taking my body time to adjust to the sudden change of diet. Hopefully it sorts it self out soon because the toilet runs are becoming annoying.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Day 2

Well let me summarize the result of yesterday's work out session in one simple sentence:

"Jesus! Allah! Buddah! My Body Hurts!!"

After my first training session I came out of it feeling fatigued as I should have, but some what concerned that I wouldn't 'hurt' in the morning. Usually I've found that if I have some substantial aching in my muscles the day after I have done a good job and will start to see some progress.

If the pain I felt this morning when I first opened my eyes is any indication of my progress, I am on the right path.

Walking to school today each step I took burned my upper calves, especially having to climb the numerous stairs that plague Japan. My arms were stiff and my shoulders ached when I tried lifting them too high. As for my abs, the real point of my training... They were okay after the initial five minute struggle it took to sit up in my bed this morning, in which every muscle in my stomach seemed to scream "Lie the f**k back down!"

Tomorrow is my second training session in my planned routine of three different types per week. I'm rotating them in a patter of B - A - B - C and then A - B - A - C so my body doesn't get to used to what I am doing.

The meal plan is also working out alright, even if it has only been two days. I'm a lot fuller then I have been eating three large meals, and I think it has something to do with the foods I am consuming in this new diet. It is the healthiest diet I can remember ever following and even though I'm eating so much food it's actually coming to less calories then what I was consuming only two days ago. Interesting how tweaking the foods you eat can alter how much crap your body is receiving.

I'm actually really excited about getting to train again... I'm just hoping the three feet plus of snow out side has disappeared at least a little by tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Day 1

Good Morning!

Well I decided to get up early and go the local super market and pick up supplies. I had to buy a whole heap of different foods and things so I can start getting my diet right to go with the training.

From today I will be starting to eat six meals a day, as opposed to the usual three I do now. It's also goodbye to my beloved Vegemite and cheese sandwiches for a while, but the meal plan I'm working off actually looks really good. Who can complain about eggs and an English muffin for breakfast?

I've already felt the consequence of what I have begun, but sacrifices must be made. Today, my sacrifice was my pride... As I fell off my bike at the main crossing today. Bloody snow! Not many people saw it luckily... Only like fifty cars were waiting at the red light there.

Anyway seeing as the gym doesn't open until 10 I'm just doing some last minute research into what I am trying to do. Believe it or not there is a huge science to it all, so it should be fun!

I'll make sure to let you all know how my first training session went later today.


Okay I can see that I should explain some things. I'm not eating six meals exactly. It's more along the lines of my regular three meals plus three 'snacks' through out the day. The meals are smaller, but because they are separated through out the entire day it keeps my hunger to a minimum and at the same time keeps my metabolism burning. Kind of a two-fold thing, I get to burn more calories and at the same time not get hungry.

I've realized that I will face some difficulty with doing this to begin with until I can schedule my day properly. The first main issue is because I work late at night it changes when I can eat my meals. The second is that after working out my meals for the day I only have half the amount of protein in my diet needed for greater muscle development. Looks like I'm going to have to work that one out.

At the moment my meal plan looks like this:

Egg sandwich (1 egg, one slice cheese, on english muffin or whole grain bread)
Green tea unsweetened

Mid morning meal:
One cup vanilla yogurt,
1/2 cup frozen fruit of choice
1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Early afternoon meal:
Whole wheat sandwich (1/5 lb lean meat: Chicken breast)
1 piece of fruit (grapefruit, kiwi, mango, etc)

Late afternoon meal
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup raisins
1 hard boiled egg

Post-training recovery meal:
Post-workout recovery shake with 1 frozen
banana, 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup,1 cup skim milk

1/4 lb organic lean meat (Chicken Breast)
Steamed vegetables (as much as you want)

I'm pretty aware of the lack of a Protein Supplement but I am working on that, but if any one can throw in any advice or things I should maybe add/subtract please let me know. It's all a game or trial and error for me at this point.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

With These Hands

Hey there,

Well undoubtedly everybody has seen my photos. I'm sure most of you have see me in some of those photos, and said to yourselves "Hmmmm, something is different about that guy... What could it be?" Well now I urge you all to come closer so I can tell you a secret:

"I used to be fat!"

Plain and simple. In April of 2007 when I began my weight loss journey I weighed a whopping 120 kilograms. In April of 2008 when I left home and moved to Japan I weighed 100 kilograms. As of today, January 13, 2009 I weigh 80 kilograms. Not a bad effort if I do say so myself.

For the most part I've done it on my own. I didn't make a huge fuss out of it, I just set my goal, aimed high and went about it on my own. It paid off.

As of today I can no longer do that.

For my next stage I want you all to join me and be part of my transformation into the kind of man I've always wanted to become. This is a photo of me taken today:

Take good long look at it because it is the last time you will ever see me looking like that. I have given myself 90 days, that's three months, of no sweets, junk food or anything that may affect my goal. My goal of having a six-pack by my 22nd Birthday.

I am going to take a photo of myself every day for the next three months and post it on here so that you can watch my progress. On top of that I will post a blog everyday with my photo to let you know how I am feeling or any changes that I have noticed.

Living alone in a country where I don't speak the language I am counting on your support and strength to push me when it gets tough. I don't ask for it often, but I need your help.

So wish me luck, and keep watching as I change myself once again.

Oh and if your wondering where the new blog name came from, I took it from this quote:

"Don't ask for it; go take it with your own hands. Do that and you will always be rewarded."

Sunday 11 January 2009

Better Late Then Never

Well first of all a big "Happy New Year!!" too every one reading. I know its later, but better that then not at all.

You might notice that the site will look a bit odd here and there, or things might just vanish from time to time over the next few days. I'm just sorting the site out and maybe revamping it a little bit so bare with me.

I will have a post up later this week.