Wednesday 14 January 2009

Day 1

Good Morning!

Well I decided to get up early and go the local super market and pick up supplies. I had to buy a whole heap of different foods and things so I can start getting my diet right to go with the training.

From today I will be starting to eat six meals a day, as opposed to the usual three I do now. It's also goodbye to my beloved Vegemite and cheese sandwiches for a while, but the meal plan I'm working off actually looks really good. Who can complain about eggs and an English muffin for breakfast?

I've already felt the consequence of what I have begun, but sacrifices must be made. Today, my sacrifice was my pride... As I fell off my bike at the main crossing today. Bloody snow! Not many people saw it luckily... Only like fifty cars were waiting at the red light there.

Anyway seeing as the gym doesn't open until 10 I'm just doing some last minute research into what I am trying to do. Believe it or not there is a huge science to it all, so it should be fun!

I'll make sure to let you all know how my first training session went later today.


Okay I can see that I should explain some things. I'm not eating six meals exactly. It's more along the lines of my regular three meals plus three 'snacks' through out the day. The meals are smaller, but because they are separated through out the entire day it keeps my hunger to a minimum and at the same time keeps my metabolism burning. Kind of a two-fold thing, I get to burn more calories and at the same time not get hungry.

I've realized that I will face some difficulty with doing this to begin with until I can schedule my day properly. The first main issue is because I work late at night it changes when I can eat my meals. The second is that after working out my meals for the day I only have half the amount of protein in my diet needed for greater muscle development. Looks like I'm going to have to work that one out.

At the moment my meal plan looks like this:

Egg sandwich (1 egg, one slice cheese, on english muffin or whole grain bread)
Green tea unsweetened

Mid morning meal:
One cup vanilla yogurt,
1/2 cup frozen fruit of choice
1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Early afternoon meal:
Whole wheat sandwich (1/5 lb lean meat: Chicken breast)
1 piece of fruit (grapefruit, kiwi, mango, etc)

Late afternoon meal
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup raisins
1 hard boiled egg

Post-training recovery meal:
Post-workout recovery shake with 1 frozen
banana, 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup,1 cup skim milk

1/4 lb organic lean meat (Chicken Breast)
Steamed vegetables (as much as you want)

I'm pretty aware of the lack of a Protein Supplement but I am working on that, but if any one can throw in any advice or things I should maybe add/subtract please let me know. It's all a game or trial and error for me at this point.


Anonymous said...


foodpsycho said...

I want six meals a day! But I want six big ones...

Anonymous said...

hope you can do it chooka it looks bloody hard but green tea oh well

Anonymous said...

hahaha... u forgot to factor in one thing... ull hav to put up wit the queen of junk food for a while :P :P bwuhahahaha

gooood luck~~~

Little T said...

Go Michael!!!! xxx