Tuesday 20 January 2009

Day 7 - One Week Down

Well today marks a week since I decided to start training to tone up and have a six pack by my 22nd Birthday. I have developed a meal plan I am satisfied with but am still tweaking so that my body doesn't respond in a negative manner like it has for the past week.

It could be that I am having too much of something, or too little of something else and it is causing me run to the toilet every few hours. It may just be my body adjusting to having the healthiest food I've ever eaten pass through it. What ever the case I'm sure I will work it out.

Even though it has been just less then a week since I started training I've already begun to notice subtle changes to my body. From the weights sessions I have been undertaking on every second day my muscles have started looking leaner and more apparent, particularly my triceps and biceps. While training yesterday I noticed my biceps seemed much larger then they had a week and ago and was quite shocked to see such a change in under a week.

My stomach and abdominal area have become flatter and I can actually feel the muscles that I have been training when I move or do things which I can't recall ever having felt before. There is also a constant tenseness to them, like they are continuously clenched, which they feel like after I have just completed my abdominal training routine.

My legs which tend to take a severe beating when I run through my "A Routine" Weight Session are constantly fatigued. My calf muscles are becoming much more defined which is good to see, as the exercises to train them are killing me.

It's is still taking some time to get used to eating six meals a day. It is similar at times to eating food just for the sake of it, even when you are not hungry. This is to keep up my metabolism so I am burning calories from the moment I start eating beyond the time I go to sleep, which I most definitely need.

Where as up until now I have been trying to consume under 2000 Calories a day, I am now trying to consume 2400 calories in a single day. Having forced myself to eat under 2000 for over two years now it has become extremely difficult to eat more. However from my research I have learned that had I continued eating less I would have plateaued and not lost any more body fat. This is due to my body going into starvation mode because it lacked over 1000 calories it needed just to get through a day, and that was before exercise.

For example my RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is around 2900 - 3100. This means that if I sat on the couch... erm floor at this moment, I would still burn this many calories. However if was too eat a diet of 1600 calories as I have been for the last few months it would mean I am missing 1300 calories, and my metabolism will not burn any fat because my body is under the impression that I am starving to death. Now consuming 2400 calories at regular intervals during the day my body is only in a deficit of around 500, much healthier and my body doesn't go into meltdown because it is starving itself.

Like I mentioned earlier the entire process is pretty complex. It's like a science in a way. Every thing is measured and recorded, hell I am even taking protein supplemt in order to rebuild my muscles faster. I hope to hell I am going the right way about it, but I guess in three months we will tell. I made sure to get a photo every day since my last post, but just haven't had the chance to put them up yet. So here they are! I will still try, but with the amount of work I was doing last week it was nearly impossible to do before I got home.

Anyway, today is a rest day so I'm gonna go and rest by doing nothing until I go to work!


Anonymous said...

good on you my darling

Anonymous said...

Darling, you better change your boxer for the next photo

Anonymous said...

i can see that you are looking good mate ps .don't change your boxers