Friday 8 May 2009

Bali - Island of the Gods Indeed..


So 10 days ago I left Melbourne to fly into Denpasar, Bali. The change in the weather couldn't have been more noticable. Melbourne was cold and I was concerned about walking out the front door wearing only shorts and two layers of thin T-shirts... When I reached Bali the effect was immedidate. I could see as the plane touched down outside on the windows huge droplets of water had formed... Not from an excess of rain but because it was so damn humid. Stepping off the plane was like stepping into a huge sauna, and it would stay like the entire time we spent in Bali.

I walked off the plane and went into Customs, Immigration, etc... All the bullshit that comes with entering another country. No problems... Well not yet, but I didn't know at the time the woman at the counter had just cost me $50AUD... but that's not until later.

It was bizare. As I walked around the corner that leads from the baggage pick up to the only exit from the international arivals I was immediatly confronted by about 20 people all yelling at me. There message was pretty simple to understand: "TRANSPORT!" Over the next week I would get used to this phrase as it was repeated at least fifty times a day and in so many different ways it was humourous at times.

Every one in that place is your friend. In fact in the two hours I waited for Brendan to arrive many of those friends walked up to me, offered me 'cheap transport' then when I declined walked off... never to be seen again. Well I never said the friendships were long lived. When Brendan did arrive we were asked by a kind taxi driver if we needed cheap transport. We took him up on the offer and he took us to a hotel... THEN CHARGED US $30US for the bloody ride!! We played dumb and droped it down to $20AUD... But he quickly became one of the more annoying people we met on our trip.

Actually, over the period we spent in Bali we did compile a short list of people who really bugged us. Quick mentions are:

Milo - A tour guide we paid for... who provide no tour or guidance of any sort... or his name. Milo was my idea ^^

Fat and Sick Prostitute - Brendan was propersitioned by her... He hated her... I like her for that reason... What can I say? I found her small, sick sounding coughs and the fact that she got off her motorcycle just to come and feel up Brendan was quite endearing on her behalf :P

Angry Taxi Guy - He started off happy... but it just left him at one point. What an arse :S

Anyway, the trip was an eye operner and even though there were many strange and funny people we did meet some nice people. The beaches were pretty good, but we spent most of our time in hotel pools or just having random siestas in our room. It was really relaxing!

We saw some great temples, and I got a tonne of new photos from all over the place which I hope you can see soon. I'm not sure how fast this internet cafe is, so I've just tried to post my choice photos for you.

But as relaxing and different the country was, sadly nearly every one you met was after your money. People on the street, people in the restaraunts in the form or service taxes, even the dogs... Well I say that but maybe they were just after my meaty backside. WHO KNOWS?!

Fact remains, that up until the last moments in that country I was being played a fool for my cash, and immigration interrogated me for half an hour before telling me that I had overstayed my visa in the country and would consequently be fined for it. Oh Bali you bastard! So $50AUD forked over for some silly bitch filling out a form incorrectly and I was free! Until I got to the terminal realized "Wait... they didn't give my ticket back!" and had to go through customs to get it. They played the fool until I noticed it was being used a F***ing coffee mug placemat. Arseholes!!

Alot of people love Bali. I had a good time, it was relaxing for the most part and cool to just chill out with no where to go and nothing to rush out and do... But I was really glad to be on the plane and flying to KL. I won't be rushing back there any time soon... even for my favorite red socks :(


So the guy next to me is downloading porn... My photos will take ages if he keeps it up so here are few to satisfy you for now ;)


Tracy said...

Sounds like you had fun. A good few photos for us to see anyway. It is nice to see where you are going and you are a very entertaining writer!!!

damo said...

love the cap mate .i want one

Anonymous said...

thankyou chooka as you can see i have found sounds great.....
love you