Tuesday 26 May 2009


Hey everyone!

Well I just spent a long stint in Malaysia. It was good fun, very different but a great experience. I learned a lot from it and I think I've come to appreciate Australia just that little bit more. It was a real eye opener and that is why I love traveling. I will post some of the photos from my time there soon, and do a full rant about the people I met and the places I went to... Not to mention the things that happened while I was there.

After staying in my friends town for five days I finally said goodbye and head onwards to Singapore. I will stay here for 5 days before going to Taiwan to see Ya Ling on Saturday. I had plans and all kinds of places to see, but as usual the plans I make always fall apart some how. It's the reasoning behind my fairly impulsively nature these days... Less of a chance for fate to go 'Hey... wait a minute! I'm gonna stuff you around!"

Anyway, so the plan was to explore and see the zoo, the museum, the harbor front and every thing else that Singapore has to offer. Now I can't. I have to stay inside for the day, try to keep cool. "Why?" You ask.


God knows how I got it, but it itches! ALOT! I have red spots all over my body and when they first appeared I thought 'Wow thats great. A million vaccinations from that old bat in Meloburne and I get Dengue Fever!' So I went to the Doctors this morning. He was funny, probably the nicest doctor I've met.

He pissed himself laughing when he saw how far the rash had spread over my white arse, then laughed even harder when I showed him the cream I was using, which I explained had been given to me by a pharmacist in Malaysia.

"That" He told me in between shots of laughter "Is for fungal infections. It says here... In chinese!" And surely enough he translated it for me:

"For Fungal infections of the feet, armpits of... Vagina"

Brilliant, I thought, that helps me out a lot. I knw I had a real problem this morning when I woke up... AND MY VAGINA WAS MISSING!!! God damn useless people!! At least I'm covered if I ever get a case of thrush in my non existent genitalia...

So after he stopped laughing he pulled out a syringe that he said would help me. I pulled up my sleeve, knowing the drill from having done it a million times before. He lifted an eye brow and smiled. "Think again my friend..."

I sighed... Sadly enough I knew this procedure as well. So I bent over and in it popped, through my skin and straight into the muscle that structure my chiseled god like buttocks. He said the rash should be gone by tomorrow, but it puts a dent in my itinerary. The medications he gave me also knock me around a lot, and as I type this I can already feel it kicking in... I'm gonna be sleeping a few hours today!

It's a shame I was so looking forward to going to the Singapore zoo and watching a couple of monkeys doing it.... Guess I will have to do that tomorrow.

My god Singapore is a pain in the arse!


Anonymous said...

oh chooka,it could only happen to you......i hope the rash has cleared up it looked quite nasty.love you heaps

Tracy said...

Well Mikey it did look rather nasty!! Hope your holiday is now improving again! Thanks for the laughs!! xx